Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

My First Birthday Celebration!!

I had my first birthday party at Clemyjontri Park in McLean, VA. It was great to celebrate my big day with lots of family and friends. Thanks everyone for coming! Do you think I liked my cake? Me, Mommy and Sade.Laura, Mom and Me on the Carousel. I did not want to get off of the horse.Laura, Poppa and Me.Me, Mom, Liz and Logan.Me and Grandma. Aunt Kelley and Cousin Regan.Me and Cianna waiting for the carousel.Thanks mom for planning my party, it was perfect!I love bubbles!
Grandma, Poppa and Me.
Me and all of my grandparents, lucky me!
Me with Nana and Pepere.
I get this whole cake?
Get this hat off of me!!!
Me admiring my girlfriend Isabelle.
Me and my friends Lauren and Jay.
Mom, Grainne, Karin, Lauren, Devin and Me.
...And Aunt Kelley and Salina.
So excited about all of the Elmo decorations.
Me and Grandma.
Me with Poppa and Pepere.
I love the Elmo card my cousin Erin made me, thanks!
I love my Nana and Pepere.
The Kelley's and Wilson's gave me a cool growth chart for my birthday. I love it although I think I will outgrow it by the time I am 3....haha! Thanks!
I love my cousin Erin, we had fun playing together.
Aunt Kelley reading me a book that Poppa gave me.Mom, Liz, Katie and Me at Isabelle's 1st Birthday Party.Me and my girl Isabelle. Happy Birthday!I love my Arnold the snoring pig. Thanks Katie!
Aunt Sydney and Uncle Joey gave me a super awesome buggy. I LOVE IT! I ride it all the time and cry when mommy makes me get out. beep, beep!

Monday, April 13, 2009

First Easter

I celebrated my first Easter with Mom and Dad. The Easter Bunny brought me some cool things like an Elmo basket with eggs filled with goldfish and cheerios, a singing puppet duck, an Elmo movie and a cool spikey ball. Mom made a yummy breakfast and then we went to Easter Mass. I met some really nice girls at Mass, they shared their goldfish with me. We spent the afternoon with the Giandrea's and ate dinner with them. I got to play with David, which is always fun! The Easter Bunny made some special eggs for me, he must know I love Elmo.
What is inside this basket?
I think I got it all out.Me and Mommy.
I enjoyed our Easter dinner, can you tell?Thanks Mary, Mike and David for coming over to celebrate with us.Video of me seeing what the Easter Bunny brought me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Am One Years Old!!

Can you believe it? I am one years old? That happened very fast, it seems like just yesterday mom and dad brought me home from the hospital. I had a wonderful first year of life and am looking forward to many, many more. I had a great 1st birthday, I have my big celebration on the 18th but I told my mom and dad that I wanted to have a party on my real birthday too...lucky me! This is me when I first woke up, see I am always smiling.Mommy fed me my favorite breakfast, fruit and eggs. Thanks Mom!
Where are my balloons mom?
Thank God, I finally got some balloons. This is me and my good friend Jay at Chic-Fil-A, my favorite lunch spot.
Mom took me to Monkey Business to play. Do you think I have enough balls with me?
I love to play, I wish Dad didnt have to work today.
How do you like my Elmo shirt? I love it!! I have been saving it for today and cant wait to wear it again at my birthday celebration. Thanks Nana and Pepere for the super cool shirt, I got lots of comments on it.
Mom let me play with the tree today since it is my birthday.
Mom and Dad got me a cupcake for today, we are going to have my big cake later.
I am so cute, I know it.
I didnt eat any of the cupcake, not even the frosting. I had fun playing with it though.

Mom and Dad got me two presents....
A super cool tiger piano and a basketball hoop.
I can finally show my dad how it is done!
Going for a dunk...
I had a super first birthday! I cant wait to celebrate it again with my Nana, Pepere, Grandma, Poppa and other family and friends on the 18th!