Saturday, September 11, 2010

Always having FUN!

Tyler and Big Bird at Busch Gardens. Having fun at "Pump it Up" with Dad....SLAM DUNK!The jumbo slide was a little faster than daddy imagined...
Auntie Anne Marie came to visit us. Sammy didnt want her to leave.Tyler loves AM. Thanks AM for coming to visit us! We will miss you!
Sammy's first BIG GIRL bath! Tyler is excited because he can take baths with her now.
Daddy and Tyler watching Sesame Street at Busch Gardens.
Tyler loves riding all of the rides.
Dad and Sam, check out her cute suit!
Tyler and Miss Pat, our new nanny. We celebrated Miss Pat's 78th Birthday!
Mommy and her twin brother, Uncle Joe.
We helped celebrate Aunt Sally's Birthday!
Uncle Joe, Mom, Grandma and Aunt Sally.

1 comment:

Ashley L. Gruters said...

Omg Tyler with big bird is hilarious and omg Jackie can we say, "flat stomach" hehe~