Monday, December 1, 2008

My First Thanksgiving!

I woke up on Thanksgiving morning and my mom was so happy because I slept the entire night in the pack-n-play, which was a first! So, she took a picture of me (go figure)!Mommy and Aunt Kelly woke up and ran in the 99th Annual Cincinnati Thanksgiving 10K. It was cold outside, but they ran fast...they are studs!
I was happy when I saw mommy at the finish line! We had a GREAT Thanksgiving meal. Aunt Kelly gets an A+!Where is my food? I have my bib on, I am ready! Mom put your fork down, you should feed me first!Finally....yummy!! More, More!!There were four dogs ready to eat everything I dropped on the floor. Lets just say they LOVED me! Family Shot!Kelley Family Shot! Thanks to the Kelley's for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner and Weekend!

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