Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I love to Stand Up

I first pulled myself up to a standing position last Thursday and now I cannot stop doing it. I feel more like a man when I stand up plus it is what all the grown ups do.

My First Visit with Santa

I met Santa for the first time ever and it was great! I am excited for all the cool toys he is going to bring me.

I told him everything I want and he listened to me.
What, I have to get off of Santa's lap? I like it up here. Ok, thanks Santa I will see you next year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My First Christmas Tree

We decorated our Christmas tree when we got back from Cincinnati. I put on my HoHoHo outfit for the special occasion. This is me and daddy before we started hanging the ornaments.

Since this is my First Christmas, mom and dad let me hang the first ornament. I hung a White House Ornament. Is this where I should put it?Got it, I think it looks great here.What? You want me to hang more?

I will help more but only if you hold me.

Ok, I am done. I would rather play with my toys.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I am 8 months old!

Yeah, I am eight months old!! I keep getting bigger by the day. I am learning new things everyday and enjoying life.

Daddy got me this Villanova Basketball Warmup Suit. I am getting ready for my first game and am trying to get used to handling a basketball.

Me and Aunt Kelley playing with my new toy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good Times at the Kelley's

Mommy got me a new sweater. I liked crawling on the floor at church.
We went to the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo. It was cold, but it was awesome. It definitely got me in the Christmas spirit.

At the puppet show.I could barely move because I had so many layers on.I love Elmo! You want me to do what?Always thirsty.The girls let me join their pizza picnic.
I had so much fun with my cousin Erin.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My First Thanksgiving!

I woke up on Thanksgiving morning and my mom was so happy because I slept the entire night in the pack-n-play, which was a first! So, she took a picture of me (go figure)!Mommy and Aunt Kelly woke up and ran in the 99th Annual Cincinnati Thanksgiving 10K. It was cold outside, but they ran fast...they are studs!
I was happy when I saw mommy at the finish line! We had a GREAT Thanksgiving meal. Aunt Kelly gets an A+!Where is my food? I have my bib on, I am ready! Mom put your fork down, you should feed me first!Finally....yummy!! More, More!!There were four dogs ready to eat everything I dropped on the floor. Lets just say they LOVED me! Family Shot!Kelley Family Shot! Thanks to the Kelley's for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner and Weekend!

Met my Cousins for the First Time

I met my two cousins (Erin and Regan) for the first time in Cincinnati over Thanksgiving weekend. This was my introduction to them, there were lots of hugs and kisses. They are super sweet, love you guys!
What, I cannot date either of these two beautiful girls?That is not fair, look how well Regan takes care of me!
Tickle, Tickle Regan!Hey Regan, get back here! My mom loves pictures and she wants more!
Whoa, we all fall down!!