Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Date with Isabelle

Do not worry Isabelle, I will protect you.
My foot is a little bigger than yours!
We both love TV
Isabelle, I promise I would rather play with you than watch TV but not when sports is on

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tyler is 3 Months Old

I keep getting bigger and bigger! Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast time is going by with me.

Who is the cute guy in the mirror?
Always tired!
I like standing on my two feet.

Whoa, I am falling!

Look how big I am!

Who are you talking to?

First Flight (Sarasota to Washington DC)

My first flight was from Sarasota to Washington DC on a private plane. I flew with Uncle Joe, Mommy and Daddy and it was nice because we were the only ones on the plane besides the two pilots. I was an angel the entire flight and did not fuss at all.

Mommy and Me were super tired after two weeks of fun in Florida.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My First Night Out at a Beer Pub

Uncle Joe, Uncle Tim, Ashley, Mom, Dad and Me all went to the German Restaurant for some German steins.
Look how strong I am, I can hold this boot of beer all by myself!
Uncle Timmy likes to drink beer out of a boot.
Hugs for Uncle Joe.
Dad and Me sharing a drink together.
Mommy, Uncle Timmy, Uncle Joe and Me at the end of the night. I was out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you!

Smiling for my Dad!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Good Times in Sarasota

Poppa rushed home every day after work to see me

Great Aunt Chris
Mommy with cousin MadisonGrandma and me with Grandma Chris and cousin Madison
Fun in the Sun

We had a couple of visits with Aunt Beth, Uncle Steve and Cousin Jack.
Great Aunt Faith, Great Uncle George and Emma all came to visit me.
Relaxing on the couch with Grandma after a long day.
All ready for another day at the beach.
Just chillin in my new beach oufit from Grandma
I love my new raft. So comfortable, I decided to take a nap.

My Great Aunt JoAnn came to visit along with Great Uncle Mike, Daniel and Hannah.
I love my Poppa!
Uncle Timmy and Ashley
I love my Uncle Timmy and Uncle Joe

Look how big I am getting!
Poppa and Me
Uncle Joey got me my first basketball and it is signed by Dick says, "Tyler Awesome Baby"

Grandma and Me
So Tired
Total Beach Bum
Poppa's Special Night Flowering Plant, I wasnt too happy.
Talking with Grandma