Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I love Fall because I have so much fun playing in the leaves. I took a few moments to model for mom, I am cute huh?I enjoy saying "cheese" now when mom takes my picture.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun in Florida

I had a great time in Florida. I got to spend three days at Disney World with Mom and Grandma, we had an awesome time together. Yeah, I am finally tall enough to ride the racecars.
Grandma put these Minnie Mouse Ears on me and told me to kiss myself in the mirror, she is funny. I do look cute though, huh?
Me and Grandma on It's A Small World, definitely my favorite ride.
I celebrated Halloween at Disney.
My first time trick or treating.
Trick or Treat
Grandma had to help me get the hang of it.
Me and Mommy having fun.
I love you Grandma!
I got two rounds of candy, lucky me.
How cute am I?
Cooling off in the fountain.
Loved the train at EPCOT.
I finally wore the 3D glasses for the whole movie, it was so cool!
Animal Kingdom.
Look what Daddy taught me Mom.
Me wearing my new shirt from Aunt Ashley and Uncle Timmy, thanks guys!
Me and Grandma enjoying each other on the safari.
Aunt Ashley and Uncle Timmy are the best!
Me and Poppa at the beach.
Me, Mom, Uncle Timmy and Uncle Joe at Demetrios, yummy!
Auntie Ashley, you are so pretty.
Yes, I am a stud!
Me and Poppa having fun at the beach.
Love you Poppa, Miss you!

Video of me and Poppa!

Video: So Smart!