Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All Ready for my First Thanksgiving

I am all ready for my First Thanksgiving. I am so excited because I am going to Cincinnati to meet my cousins, Erin and Regan, for the first time. It is going to be so much fun, plus they have two dogs (Oscar and Maggie) and I love playing with dogs. Thank you Nana and Pepere for giving me a stuffed turkey to practice eating. Youre the Best!! I am going to miss you and the Gruters family on Thanksgiving. Hope everyone has a great day!!

Hmmm.....how do I eat this?
First, I had to tackle it!Then I ate it...yummy!!!Ha, Ha...I got away! Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Times with my Girlfriend Lauren

Lauren and I are both teething so we put everything in our mouth to ease the pain.The dog, Sandy, caught our attention.
Hey Sandy, I am down here...play with me.
Daddy thinks he is Santa Clause.Hey wait a minute, where is your beard Santa?Lauren even likes to put mommy's face in her mouth, ouch!Chasing after Sandy is fun!
Caught her!

Having Fun with Mom and Dad

My two bottom teeth finally surfaced last Saturday and now I put EVERYTHING in my mouth. I am almost as tall as Daddy. Let me down dad, I want to be free.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wow, I am 7 Months Old!!

I am 7 months old today, I can't believe it!!

I love going to the park and riding on the swing.

Mom come on and push me...enough pictures!
Playing in the Fall Leaves.Look at me move, I am doing the army crawl to get around now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

White House/West Wing Tour

Our friend took us on a White House, West Wing tour today...it was awesome! The best part of our tour was when Marine One landed on the White House Lawn and President Bush got off of the helicopter and waved to everyone. We were standing in the window in front of the Rose Garden, what a sight!
Future President, ME!
I wanted to walk off on my own.
Dad thinks he is a man of power, HA!
Our tour group: me, Dad, Mom and Aunt Kelley.
Me with mommy in the White House Press Room.
All of us.
Maybe next time the President will invite us inside his residence.