Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

For my first Halloween, I was a monkey!! Look how cute I am!!
Mommy's little Monkey!More bananas please!
Playgroup was at our house this week and everyone dressed up in their costumes.
This elephant thinks she is queen of the jungle.
Now I have to deal with this chicken? Hey that is my ball. Thank you!
Hey, dont cut the monkey out of the picture. Yummy, where is my banana?
We got everyone in the picture...
But it was impossible to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Faccia Luna

At Faccia Luna with Isabelle and some of mom's friends. Isabelle is more interested in eating than playing with me :(

Ok, that is better Isabelle...I forgive you.
Me and Katie. Congrats Katie on kicking butt in the Marine Corps Marathon!

Having Fun

I am so happy because I just escaped from prison.
Try to catch me now.
Check out my awesome long eyelashes.
So Sleepy. I am almost as tall as dad.
Me with my Godmother, Aunt Kelley.
Me chilling with Uncle Stephen at the Zoo.

Me and Keith, Dad's best buddy. Daddy says thank you for the roll :-)
I love bagels.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Go Tampa Bay Rays!!

Congrats Tampa Bay Rays!! Kick Butt at the World Series!! Beat the Phillies!! Sorry Dad that Boston Lost, Maybe Next Year!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Good Times at Cox Farms

Today I went to Cox Farms with Mommy. We had an awesome time. I can't wait to go back next year!
I was really enjoying this apple. Me and Mommy in the CornMaze.
Pretty Cow.
Look how big this pumpkin is, it is over 1000lbs
So good! I had this apple in my mouth for over 30 minutes.
Me on the hayride.

I went on the big slide with mom, it was fun.
I enjoyed watching the baby pigs get milk from their mommy.
It was a beautiful day for a hayride.
Me and Mom on the hayride.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Poppa!!

Happy 63rd Birthday Poppa! Hope you have a wonderful day! Wish I could be with you to celebrate! I miss and love you tons! Love, your Junior Apostle of Joy and Innocence.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tyler is 6 Months Old!!!

Can you believe I am already Six months old?? Wow time has sure gone by fast. Good Morning!
I have been loving my life. Thanks Mommy and Daddy!
My Six Month Picture!
Profile Shot!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Vienna Octoberfest

I had a good time at Vienna's Octoberfest with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Kelley.

Me dancing with Uncle Stephen.

I had it easy, Daddy carried me almost all day.
Look how funny Daddy and Uncle Stephen look. Mommy and Aunt Kelley thought it was cute! Ha!
What, I have milk on my face?
Me and Mommy dancing!
So tired. After all the sun and dancing I was happy to get some sleep.